Museo Hospital de Mineros de Almadén

San Rafael miners’ hospital

The assistance policy promoted in the mid-eighteenth century by Superintendent Francisco de Villegas responded to the need to increase the mine´s permanent workface, until then made up of free workers who combined this work; and to a lesser extent, forced laborers.

The hospital, which opened its doors in 1774, not only treated the miners, but the entire population, and any type of illness.

General Presentation

The Almadén Mining Park is a set of complementary facilities and experiences:

Centro de recepción de visitantes

Visitor recepcion center

Exhibitions, store and restaurant

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Mina subterránea visitable

Visitable underground mine

With interpretative recreations

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Hospital de Mineros San Rafael

San Rafael miners’ hospital

Built in 1755, it houses: Historical Archives, Exhibition Spaces, Miners’ Hospital, Forced Prison, Regional Heritage

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Centro de Interpretación de la Minería

Mining interpretation center


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Museo del Mercurio de Almadén

Mercury Museum

Audiovisuals, mockups and interactive experiments

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Instalaciones exteriores del Parque Minero de Almadén

Instalaciones exteriores

Espacios tematizados: Antiguos talleres, Castillete del pozo de San Aquilino, Castillete del San Teodoro.

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Ecoturismo de Castilseras

Castilseras ecotourism

Magnificent landscapes with a big variety of fauna, flora and geology

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