Metalurgia en las Minas de Almadén

heritage of humanity

The Almadén Mining Park includes the main spanish assets inscribed on the World Heritage list under the name of MERCURY HERITAGE. ALMADÉN AND IDRIJA.

«The mining sites of Almadén and Idrija form a coherent Assembly with associated components, conveniently illustrating all the technical, cultural and social aspects associated with the extraction of mercury. This elements are shown in a sufficient number to provide their adequate interpretation. These are the most important places preserved in relation to this activity, both for the volumen produced, as for the duration throughout history, and for the wealth of the testimonies provided.

In both places, the subterranean mining infraestructures and on the Surface, the presence technic artefacts related to the mining extraction with their needs (Hidraulyc energy, Wood) and it’s transformation into quicksilver (Ovens) it’s transport and their storage is authentic.»